Web Service using JSONP from External Domain – PHP – JQuery

You may want to look at this previous post where I setup a PHP Webservice that uses JSON PDO – Accessed by JQuery AJAX

OK, so this code will use php to generate the JSON code that will get delivered over the internet to the JSONP (JSON Padding) client on an external domain. This allows your webservice to be available too whoever wants to call it.

Here is the PHP Code: (Not all of it, but enough to get the idea)

private function GetTriviaTag($row) {
	$t = new Tag();
	$t->id = $row['id'];
	$t->triviaid = $row['triviaid'];
	$t->tagid = $row['tagid'];
	return $t;
public function GetWhere($where) {
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM trivia_tags WHERE {$where}";
	foreach ($this->pdo->query($sql) as $row)
		$retArray[] = $this->GetTriviaTag($row);
	return $retArray;
$where = " (1 = 1)";  // THIS WILL SELECT ALL
$tarray = GetWhere($where);
header('Content-type: application/json');
echo "(" . json_encode($tarray) . ")";

And now, to access it from javascript in an external domain (non – SERVER_domain.com ):

		<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
		<div id="triviaQuestions"> loading... </div>
			$(function() {
				// THE 'callback=?' in this request is IMPORTANT FOR EXTERNAL DOMAIN ACCESS!!!
				$.getJSON('http://SERVER_domain.com/webservice.php&callback=?', function(data) {
					var items = [];
					var htmlResult = "";
					$.each(data, function(key, val) {
						htmlResult += "<br />Q: "+ val.id +", '"+ val.question +"";

PHP Webservice that uses JSON PDO – Accessed by JQuery AJAX

You may want to look at this previous post where I setup a Web Service using JSONP from External Domain – PHP – JQuery

The HTML that calls the Javascript:

<div id="taglist"></div>
<input name="searchTags" id="searchTags" type="text" />
<input type="button" name="searchtags" onclick="getTags()" value="search"/>
<div id="tagresult">

The JavaScript (JQuery) AJAX Request and Response Processing:

function getTags()
		var q = $('#searchTags').val();
		$.getJSON('ws.php?type=tag&wN=name&wO=like&wV=' + q, function(data) {
			var items = [];
			var htmlResult = "";
			$.each(data, function(key, val) {
				//As you can see, you can access the JSON (at the bottom of the page) by doing val.PROPERTYNAME:
				htmlResult += "<br />Add : <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"addTag("+ val.id +", '"+ val.getfullname +"'); return false;\">"+ val.getfullname +"</a>";

PHP Code that returns JSON in the PHP file called by the AJAX: (ws.php)

	$ta = new TagAccess();
	$tarray = $ta->GetTagsWhere(" {$whereName} LIKE '%{$whereVariable}%'");
	header('Content-type: application/json');
	echo "",  json_encode($tarray), "";

The GetTagsWhere Helper Function:

    public function GetTagsWhere($where) {
    	$sql = "SELECT * FROM tags WHERE {$where}";
    	// THE PDO Object was created previously
	foreach ($this->pdo->query($sql) as $row)
		$retArray[] = $this->GetTag($row);
	return $retArray;

JSON Returned:

[{"id":"4","name":"FICTION","parentid":"3","getfullname":"BOOKS > FICTION"},{"id":"5","name":"NON-FICTION","parentid":"3","getfullname":"BOOKS > NON-FICTION"}]

Rotating Circular Periodic Table – Javascript


I just saw an article on this site about the merits of a circular periodic table by Mohd Abubakr Design

I thought it would be nice to have one that rotates. So I used the jQuery and jQuery-Rotate library on it to make it spin.

I hope this will be help someone and I hope to make additions to it in the future.
[[View Rotating Circular Periodic Table]]