Rsync – Speed Limit – Trickle – Slow

Install rsync and trickle:

sudo apt-get install rsync
sudo apt-get install trickle

Now you can run rsync:
This will download at a limit of 80 KB/s from host:

rsync -auvPe "trickle -d 80 ssh" user@host:/src/ /dst/

Explanation of Commands:

-a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
-u, --update                skip files that are newer on the receiver
-v, --verbose               increase verbosity
-P  --progress              show progress during transfer
-e, --rsh=COMMAND           specify the remote shell to use
trickle -d 80  = -d rate    Limit the download bandwidth consumption to rate KB/s.

DanFolkes FLVPlayer – Create your own FLVPlayer (like jw-flv-player) with no branding


Using Flash CS4: Continue reading “DanFolkes FLVPlayer – Create your own FLVPlayer (like jw-flv-player) with no branding”

Mat Kearney – In the Middle – First Time Ever – Download Bootleg – Lyrics


This was recorded by me at a bar behind the Norva in Norfolk, VA around 2006. The recording is a tad crappy because I used my little mp3 player to record it.

But, I captured Mat Kearney playing “In the Middle” for the first time, acoustic, just using his guitar. It was very awesome.

Here is a little bit of the chit-chat that happened before he started playing:

“But, I can’t play it on guitar” – He was a little reluctant to play it at first, but then he proceeded by starting to try….

After he got a little bit into the song he said: “Wow” because he was genuinely surprised when it sounded good.

Then, after he was finished he said:

“I promise you, that has never happened!… That was amazing… ”

“I honestly never played that on a guitar once, ever…. I’m not lying.”

So, I feel pretty good that Mat Kearney is awesome, and so is this song.
Download Bootleg – 06-in-the-middle

Here are the lyrics:
Continue reading “Mat Kearney – In the Middle – First Time Ever – Download Bootleg – Lyrics”