Moderating Comments on a Freehostia Chocolate Account (Free)

The problem: Freehostia Free Accounts block outside connections.  This means that Akismet can’t access it’s servers and you can’t have spam checking.  So, all of your comments are spam spam spam!

I tried to add a captcha, but they got around that.  I tried to add Disqus using the plugin, but that failed to install because of the account’s limitations.

But, I was able to add moderated comments to my freehostia site by manually installing Disqus.  This is very necessary because otherwise you get hit with a bunch of spammers.

Here is how you manually install Disqus on WordPress.

  1. Create New Disqus Account 
  2. Go to your dashboard
  3. Click on your site
  4. Go to Settings
  5. And then click Install
  6. Select Universal Code
  7. Copy that code
  8. In /wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/single.php Replace:
    <?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>


    echo '	
        But you must remember to ESCAPE the 
        single quotes with backslashes example: \'
  9. Save, Upload, then go to one of your posts. You should see Disqus loading at the bottom.
  10. Remember to setup your Disqus the way you want it. It’s a little restrictive out of the box. You can even add Akismet to Disqus in their admin interface.