Facebook Website Integration – HTML

To integrate Facebook on to a website without the use of a facebook app you need these things:

Once you have both of those things you can do this in feedburner:

  • Add a new feed (your facebook url)
  • Go to the publicize tab
  • Go to BuzzBoost
  • Sroll down and fill out the form, you will be given html code.
  • <script src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/DanielFolkessFacebookStatusUpdates?format=sigpro" type="text/javascript" ></script>
    <noscript><p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: 
    <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/DanielFolkessFacebookStatusUpdates"></a>
    <br/>Powered by FeedBurner</p> 
  • Preview:

And that’s it!
You can now style it up a little bit with some CSS and stuff.

Java – Singleton / Global – Data Access – SQLite

This will make a Java global object:

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLite;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteConnection;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteException;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteJob;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteQueue;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteStatement;
public final class DataAccess {
	// Singleton Stuff
	private static class SingletonHolder { 
	     public static final DataAccess INSTANCE = new DataAccess();
	public static DataAccess getInstance() {
	     return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
	// End Singleton Stuff
	private String HomePath = "";
	private File DBFile;
	private static SQLiteQueue queue;
	private boolean initalized = false;
	private DataAccess()
		if (!initalized)
			initalized = true;
	private void initDB()
		DBFile = locateDBFile();
	private File locateDBFile()
		File f = null;
			HomePath = System.getProperty("user.home");
    	    System.out.println("HomePath: " + HomePath);
    	    f = new File(HomePath + "/database.sqlite");
    	    if (f.canRead())
    	    	return f;
        	    boolean success = f.createNewFile();
        	    if (success) {
        	        // File did not exist and was created
        	    } else {
        	        // File already exists
    	} catch (IOException e) {
    		//Maybe try a new directory.
		return f;
	private void DeleteDatabaseContents()
		queue.execute(new SQLiteJob<Object>() 
		    protected Object job(SQLiteConnection connection) throws SQLiteException 
		      // this method is called from database thread and passed the connection
				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
				sb.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Playlist;");
				sb.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Settings;");
				//sb.append("DELETE FROM someTable;");
				//sb.append("DELETE FROM someTable;");
				return null;
	public String getHomePath()
		return HomePath;

Now you can run this from anywhere:

DataAccess da;
da = DataAccess.getInstance();

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern

PHP API – Google Calendar – Updating Visibility

The Privacy / Visibility Part:

$event->visibility->value = "http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event.private";

Here it is in context: Continue reading “PHP API – Google Calendar – Updating Visibility”

Minecraft – Script – Backup – Update Server – Restart

This is the script I use that will:

  • Automatically backup minecraft map
  • Automatically update minecraft server
  • Automatically restart the server if it stops or dies
while [ true ]; do
   # make md5 of current file for update check.
   md5sum minecraft_server.jar > minecraft_server.jar.md5
   wget -o updatelog.log -N --trust-server-names http://www.minecraft.net/download/minecraft_server.jar
   # display updated status
   if md5sum -c --status minecraft_server.jar.md5 
    echo "Server Up to Date."
    echo "Updated Server!"
   java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
   rsync -a --delete --progress /home/dan/serv/minecraft/world "/home/dan/serv/minecraft/bak/world"`eval date +%Y%m%d`""

Code Explained:

This will put the server in an infinite loop. You can kill it by hitting Control+C a couple times in a row.

while [ true ]; do

This will make a hash of the current minecraft_server.jar and then download the newest copy using wget.

md5sum minecraft_server.jar > minecraft_server.jar.md5
wget -o updatelog.log -N --trust-server-names http://www.minecraft.net/download/minecraft_server.jar

This will run minecraft in headless mode and with a limit on RAM.

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

This will create a backup of the minecraft world folder in a backup folder. You probably should work on this part.

rsync -a --delete --progress /path/to/minecraft/world "/path/to/minecraft/bak/world"`eval date

Well, hope this helps someone. Have a good day.

Rsync – Speed Limit – Trickle – Slow

Install rsync and trickle:

sudo apt-get install rsync
sudo apt-get install trickle

Now you can run rsync:
This will download at a limit of 80 KB/s from host:

rsync -auvPe "trickle -d 80 ssh" user@host:/src/ /dst/

Explanation of Commands:

-a, --archive               archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
-u, --update                skip files that are newer on the receiver
-v, --verbose               increase verbosity
-P  --progress              show progress during transfer
-e, --rsh=COMMAND           specify the remote shell to use
trickle -d 80  = -d rate    Limit the download bandwidth consumption to rate KB/s.

Outlook Rule : Only at Specific Times

Lets say you want to have a rule in outlook send to you only between specific times in the day.

  • Only after 6pm and before 8am
  • Only on your lunch hour
  • When you are not at work

I will explain this by having emails forward to my cell phone, only when I am normally not at the office. (From 6pm-8am) This way, I will be able to receive important emails that may require special outside assistance.

What I do is:

  • Create a special category called FWD
  • Use other rules to set messages into the FWD category if I want them forwarded. (Explained Below)
  • Then, create a rule to run last in the rules list called FWD Rule
  • *Important Part* This will check the time on the messages, if it’s within the specified hours, it will forward the email (Explained Below)

Creating a Rule to set the FWD Category:
Your Rule Description should look something like this. The important part is that it is assigning it to the FWD Category:

Apply this rule after the message arrives
with 'Emergency from client' in the subject
    and marked as 'high importance'
    and assigned to 'FWD' Category

The Rule that will email header* for UTC times. Make sure it’s assigned to the FWD category. And then FWD it:

Apply this rule after the message arrives
with '2011 23:' or '2011 02:' or ... '2011 10:' in the message header
    and assigned to 'FWD' category
forward it to '[email protected]'

* This should work on most emails, but if you want to look at the email header Right-click on the message in the Inbox and select Message Options.
* I included the 2011 and the colon to make it more specific.

UTC Time for 6pm – 8am:
Email Header contained:
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 18 Feb 2011 03:23:52.0368 (UTC)
So I searched for:

2011 23:,2011 01:,2011 02:,2011 03:,2011 04:,2011 05:,2011 06:,2011 07:,2011 08:,2011 09:,2011 10:,2011 11:

jQuery – Ajax – Extra Parameters – GET, success

Here is the standard jQuery Ajax call with success handler as well as the ability to pass another parameter to an external function:

			type: "GET",
			url: Humancurl,
			dataType: "xml",
			success: function(data){

Here is the standard jquery ajax call with success handler:

  url: 'ajax/test.html',
  success: function(data) {
    alert('Load was performed.'+data);

Ubuntu Samba – Read-Write-FSTAB-Cifs-Mount

This is my current setup for my two Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) boxes. One shares a read/write folder to the other. This is my setup. I think the key to this is having the same username on both computers having access to the files.

You might have to run this on the the folder:
sudo chmod -R 777 /path/to/files
sudo chown -R usernameonbothcomputers:usernameonbothcomputers /path/to/files

I installed samba by doing: sudo apt-get install samba

/etc/samba/smb.conf : (on the computer serving the files)

	workgroup = WORKGROUP
	server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
	dns proxy = no
	interfaces = eth0
	bind interfaces only = yes
	log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
	max log size = 1000
	syslog = 0
	panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
	encrypt passwords = true
	passdb backend = tdbsam
	obey pam restrictions = yes
	unix password sync = yes
	passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
	passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
	pam password change = yes
	guest account = nobody
	invalid users = root
	usershare allow guests = yes
	path = /path/to/share
	writable = yes
	read only = no
	valid users = usernameonbothcomputers

sudo /etc/init.d/smbd reload

/etc/fstab : (on the computer accessing the files)

//SAMBASHAREsSERVERNAME/MyFiles /path/to/mount cifs users,,noatime,username=usernameonbothcomputers,password=theuserspassword 0 0

You should be able to run this to mount all things in your fstab:
sudo mount -a

.Net – Sending Email with In Memory Attachment

This VB.Net code takes the FileUpload control’s PostedFile and without saving it to the filesystem attaches it to an MailMessage and sends an email.


  • No threading, read/write permissions needed.
  • One line of code.

Front End:

<asp:FileUpload ID="fileUpload" runat="server" />


Dim m As New MailMessage()
m.Attachments.Add(New Attachment(fileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream, fileUpload.FileName))